Count Yo’ Blessings

Prayer doesn’t have to be Religious. In fact, Counting Blessings is accessible to everyone. I used to get Praying confused with only asking for something. When in reality it is to appreciate that which we already have. Connecting to higher power is gratitude. Awareness of everything around you. Aware of the energy that is present in various offerings of the day. The whole goal of praying is to be happier. Trust that the Universe has you. Well, the Universe does! Whether One refers to that as God or not is besides the point. Ain’t nothin’ to argue about y’all! The World has your back, it’s all right here. Happiness! It doesn’t need to be pursued, it can just be uncovered. Like the Fossil of a Dinosaur under sand. Feeling Grateful is where happiness comes from, what does it mean to be happy? What would one define it as? Something along the lines of joy. A place of Joy. Loving the current moment and not thinking about the next. Being grateful for the Present.

Waking up and immediately saying mentally to myself at least three things I’m grateful for that morning has had a profound effect on my life. Morning is a very sacred time. The beginning to the rest of my day and a powerful time to work the subconscious mind. Gotta make an effort to start happy. When One turns the key it starts smooth and clean. Mornings are really hard for me. There was a time when I was waking up depressed, without drive. It’s a daily practice for me to get out of bed with joy.

The science behind it: When one thinks of something they are grateful for, The brain releases Dopamine and Serotonin. Two Neurotransmitters that influence our emotions and make us feel good. A built in anti-depressant. Uplifting the state of mind. It’s as simple as that! The water we drink, that’s a Blessing! Warm clothes, a roof over our head, a bed to sleep in, days off, maybe something good that was accomplished that day. Retraining the mind to think of more positive aspects of life instead of just first world problems. Higher thinking!

One blessing I count very often is good food. The idea that we have an abundance of delicious plants to eat. When I sit down to eat a meal I take 3-5 deep breaths. Then before I start, I express gratitude for the nourishment that it is providing for my body and where it might have came from. It’s pretty crazy to stop and picture where food comes from. Families commonly sit down to say a prayer at the dinner table, but it doesn’t have to be labeled. It can just be taking a moment to say thank you. Conscious – Aware of and responding to one’s surroundings, awake. That’s what connection to the higher is, right here on the ground.

In times of suffering, we want to turn to something bigger. Believe it is impermanent. Practice finding gratitude in that. Having faith is what makes us one with Nature.

Celebration! It is fun to be thankful. That’s why a lot of holidays are based off Religious beliefs. If there’s one thing everybody can agree on, it is compassion. this being so, people come together. The festivities bring families and friends together to honor the abundance of life.

~ Misha Botyaroff

“Self Care is New Health Care”

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