Nutrition is the Groundwork of Health

“Saute Party!”

Health is really all about being conscious, and nutrition is where conscious starts. Making an effort to be aware of what we are eating is the groundwork of good health. Then, all the other aspects of good health are built on top of it. Eating right is essentially what gives your body the desire to exercise, when your body has the right fuel it wants to go out and adventure. If you feed your body a poor diet full of cholesterol, you won’t have the energy to grow into your full potential. Cultivating awareness around what you are putting into your body is also the gateway to mediation. Really getting to know your body and what it needs and doesn’t need is what will invite you to want to

“Check-in” with yourself everyday by practicing meditation. Furthermore, when you really start to be conscious about your health, your curiosity will lead you to experience various other aspects of health. Once you begin the journey, you will want to keep exploring and Learning. Just like you can’t build a house without the groundwork, you can’t grow your health without beginning with the right nutrition.

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